Timeline: 1:18:45 onwards – తులారాశి నుంచీ మీనం దాకా Male and Female Arcs రివర్స్లో పడ్డాయి అనిపిస్తోంది (ఉదాహరణకి – తులలో మొదటిసగం F రెండోసగం M అని రాసారు). ఒకసారి చూసి చెప్పండి. Somehow I am not able to post this question in our ASKRVA forum – probably due to some unresolved technical issues over there! థాంక్యూ…
You need to see Aries to Virgo will be in ascending order, and Libra to Pisces will be in descending order, that means here, the first 6 signs read left to right, 7-12 signs, read right to the left, Libra’s first part will be male, and second part will be female (you need to understand its in the clockwise direction).
Understood… Thank you for the clarification!
Yes sir