What happens to the career if the ketu is in own nakshatra in 10th house saggitarus aspected by jupiter from 4th house gemini
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What happens to the career if the ketu is in own nakshatra in 10th house saggitarus aspected by jupiter from 4th house gemini
Gemini ascendent…jupiter mahadasa is running.jupiter placed in 4th house in sun nakshatra..sun placed in same nakshatra.ie Uttara…sun placed in 4th house ..is all the dasha is suffering..bcz 3rd house lord nakshatra is operating..also jupiter is badhakesh …
Sir kindly please explain this ketu in own nakshtra good or bad, and ketu aspected by saturn in own sign Aquarius for gemini ascendant
My doubt is .For gemini ascendant retrograde Saturn placed in 11th house in ketu nakshatra. And ketu placed in 9 th house of Rahu nakshatra .And Rahu 3rd house in ketu nakshatra .here my doubt is Saturn debliated in 11th house .can he give good results ?
8th lord in 10th house…10th lord in 12th house.this means sudden events takes place in career…repetitive attempts needed in career..creative career right …how can we understand this ..
vrushabha lagnam, 10th house guruvu in own nakshtra and ketu in 10th house.12th house lo Shani. abroad lo career ala untadhii andi..cheppandii sir.Guruvu own nakshtra lo untea profession lo breaks unayata.
Reply rva please
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“ketu is in own nakshatra in 10th house sagittarius, career”,”u0c15u0c47u0c24u0c41u0c35u0c41 u0c26u0c36u0c2eu0c02u0c32u0c4b u0c38u0c4du0c35 u0c28u0c15u0c4du0c37u0c24u0c4du0c30u0c02u0c32u0c4b u0c09u0c28u0c4du0c28u0c3eu0c21u0c41, u0c09u0c26u0c4du0c2fu0c4bu0c17u0c02 u0c0eu0c32u0c3e u0c09u0c02u0c1fu0c41u0c02u0c26u0c3f?”
“1634” “131149” id=”44713″ number=”1 @”131149″#p44713 answered
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