my ascendant is taurus at 22 degree and venus is present in 9th house of capricorn at 5 degree it is in mrat avastha and retrograde as well now what can i do to increase its effects?also saturn in retrograde
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my ascendant is taurus at 22 degree and venus is present in 9th house of capricorn at 5 degree it is in mrat avastha and retrograde as well now what can i do to increase its effects?also saturn in retrograde
For example, Saturn in 1 st house conjunction with Jupiter for Taurus ascendent sat-00.19 deg, jup-7.30 deg .Both are in krittika star with sun in 9th house sun-positional status . How does it work in Saturn and jupiter dashas? My idea 1 : As Saturn is Yogakaraka and also getting significance of 9th house and […]
How Guruchandala yogam effects country and world!?. Also Shani at kumbha effects guru raahu conjunction. A. Also, if lagna is kumbha and Shani at lagna, how this case results on a jathaka!? B. If lagna in both makara and kumbha, Shani at lagna. How this effects present Guruchandala yoga happening on April 2023. Please […]
Saturn retrograde as Darakaraka in 5th house aspected by Jupiter retrograde from first house scorpio lagna and mars at 11th house and 7th lord is in 9th house combust with sun and mercury and there’s dharmakarma adhipathi yoga happening where moon is in 10th house. And the venus is debilitated in 11th house navamsa what […]
Hello Sir, I came across a chart , three major planets are retrograde and have opposition aspects in the chart Capricorn lagna: Mars ,Saturn conjunction and both are retrograde in 10th house and have an opposition aspect to Sun, Venus, Mercury 4th house and square with moon in 7th house. Jupiter retrograde in 12th house. […]
Sir in Kanya lagan’s 4th house is occupied by a guru 27 degrees and Ketu 3 degrees as we know that the guru in Kendra along with sagitarus will be strong. As per degree, it is an old state mrit avastha so how we can calculate the results. will it give a 100% result because […]