Shani and rahu 6th and 8th house what happens video
Shani in 1th house and Rahu in 6th house what is effect
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Shani and rahu 6th and 8th house what happens video
Shani in 1th house and Rahu in 6th house what is effect
Sir, This question is against the video“ ” Badhaka Planets in Astrology | Ep44 ” ” . When Badhakadhi pati is placed in Rahu or ketu nakshattra, how do we know it gives good results or bad results? Should we check whether rahu or ketu in 6th or 10th lord nakshattra in case of chara […]
Sir, Nadi kumba rashi danur lagna shani is in 11th house along with sukra. That is Tula. For shani it is vuchha stanam and for sukra it is own house. And both Shani and sukra r friends. At present shani mahadasa lo sukra anthardasha unnadi. But i am still facing lot of financial problems. Guru […]
Sri Gurubyo Namaha. I am following all your class on youtube and your narration is wonderful. I have few doubts for which i need some clarifications. They are as follows: 1, In the janma kundali we observe that certain house are blank and not filled with any planets. What is the meaning of this house […]
Mesha lagnam lo 8th lord kuja in 8th house aithe dhenni vipereeta rajyogam ga consider cheyocha??kuja in shani nakshatra shani in 1st bhavam placidius dhantlo Vrushabha rashi lo shani and guruvulu undi kujuduni aspect chesthunnapudu Elanti complicated situation ni Ela predict cheyali Ela lagnadhipathi Elanti postion lo unnapudu kuja dasha yogisthundha ??
Sir One small doubt abt lagna lord and moon – wt happens if a person of Aquarius ascendant having moon in 8th house from lagna lord where lagna lord is shani It ’ ‘ s my humble request you to please tell me abt dis planetary positions Thank you sir
“1860” “Eashwar” id=”70469″ number=”1 @”Eashwar”#p70469 answered
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