Sir Tula lagniki moon in 2nd house anuradha 4,mars also aspected from 7thhouse mars in barini4,vunus in 10th house and Saturn in 4th house retrograde in sravana4 ,neecha banga raja yogam varthisthunda.
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Sir Tula lagniki moon in 2nd house anuradha 4,mars also aspected from 7thhouse mars in barini4,vunus in 10th house and Saturn in 4th house retrograde in sravana4 ,neecha banga raja yogam varthisthunda.
For kumbha lagna, shani in 3rd house, kuja in 9th house and 9th lord sukra is placed in lagna. Is this comes under neecha banga or neecha banga rajayoga?
Sir namaste, neecha bhanga raja yogam lo two planets lo a dhasa baga yogisatundi a dhasa ibbandi pedutundi example, venus with mercury in virgo for tarus ascendent. Karakatvalu amina debbatintinda? Please reply thank you.
కన్య లగ్ననానికి 7వ ఇంట్లో ఉన్న Saturn 26 years కి natal 10th house 12:03°, square progressive Saturn 11:23° జరుగుతూ Progressive 10th house 6:01° ,Traine natal Saturn 8:55° రానున్నా 2 ఏళ్లలో జరుగుతుంది పైగా, Natal Uranus మకరంలో 10:50 కొన్ని సంవత్సరాలకు retrograde అయ్యి 10:44 కి progress ayi Natal Saturn 8:55° ki మరియు progressive Saturn 11:23° ki మకరం నుండి sextile […]
Saturn retrograde as Darakaraka in 5th house aspected by Jupiter retrograde from first house scorpio lagna and mars at 11th house and 7th lord is in 9th house combust with sun and mercury and there’s dharmakarma adhipathi yoga happening where moon is in 10th house. And the venus is debilitated in 11th house navamsa what […]
For Gemini Ascendant Retrograde Jupiter in 10th house in Purva Bhadrapad – 4. His aspects in 2nd house and 6th house. In 2nd house Mars in pushyami ,Mercury and Venus in ashlesha star. And 6th house it’s moon in jyesta-2. My doubt is How Retrograde Jupiter results behave. Due to these aspects of Jupiter all […]