Rahu trine Uranus ni consider cheykudadha sir ??
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Rahu trine Uranus ni consider cheykudadha sir ??
Sir , Rahu ki western lo importance ekkuva evvaled annaaru kada. Uranus trine rahu gurinchi cheppandi??? Eg: rahu chese bad things ni uranus aaputunda??? Uranus trine rahu gurinchi cheppandi??
I just wanted to ask if progressive 10th house conjunct natal planets is it always bad ? or is it good or bad based on the planets ? for example if it is venus then venus is under torch light so happiness is enhanced and there is a money opportunity but if there is a […]
Sir vrushabha lagna Uranus is 9 house 8 bhava.Did Uranus will effect health if any ? . Is Uranus works like a Mars or Saturn or Mercury nature ? Currently 10 house sextile Natal Uranus will give Software Developer Job Improvement. Please Share your experience
What are the results of Mars square uranus. For kanya lagna Uranus deposited in 4th house and mars which is 3rd and 8th lord deposited in 6th house. Both don ’ ‘ t have any bad aspects in natal chart. In progression mars came into 7th house and made square aspect with uranus. What are […]
We need a specific video on planet URANUS … …I have seen many videos that are linked with this planet, example videos like western astrology aspects, astrological combinations for astrologer etc … …we just have an idea that uranus was bigger than saturn and it is lord for Aquarius sign in 11th house … …Please […]
Rahu ki vere grahalaki shasthasthakam chustnapdu rahuvtho Uranus ni endku chudakudadu sir ??
Sir Western astrology lo bad progressions undi jathaka chakramlo manchiga unte life Ela untundi sir ?? Anukunadhi sadinchagalada sir ?? Kp astrology lo Dasha significance kuda bagundi ?? Vimshotaridasha kuda Baga unte sir ??
Progressive mars natal Uranus ki square ichina natal Mercury,natal venus ki sextile apagaladha sir ??pls chepandi
Father inheritance 9 the house nunchi chudala or 8 the nunchi chudala sir??? And chaturdamsha nunchi chudacha ??
Sir ep 139 lo rahu lo rahu yogisthey rahu Dasha yoginchady anaru Kani naku rahu lo rahu starting Chala obstacles ichadu kani a tarvtha yoginchadu … … … … dinini Ela ardam.cheskovali sir ??
Sir !! 10 the cusp 2,7,11 ni signify chestuu dashama bavam lo Chandra kethuvula kalayaka undi uttarashada nakshatram lo sun 12 lo , kujudu malli kethu nakshatram Ashwini lo unadu , 7 the Lord Venus poorvabhadra 6 the Lord Aina Mercury positional status in shatabisha nakshatram tho kalsi unadu 11 lo Mari 7 the ki 6 the negate chestundi kada sir ?? 10th Lord Shani first house lo bharani nakshatram lo nicha pondadu … … … … .. varga chakralalo dashamshalo 2 Lord 10 the lo sun ucha pondi unadu Kani Mari kp astrology lo business chestadi ani unadhii Ela ardam cheskovali sir dinini ?? Job ankovala or business ankovala sir ?? Elanti chart lo Ela chepali sir em chestado jathakudu ??
Guru 1 St house bharani nakshatram sir
Jathakudu govt job kosam civil services radham ankuni vachadu jathakam chuste kplo business signify chestunadi sir ?? Emani chepali judgement sir
Progressive tenth house conjunct uranusni explain cheyandi sir !!
Do not consider
Uranus is considered by western astrologers, do not merge it with Vedic astrology
కష్టపడి సాధిస్తారు
You are merging two different aspects, you have to consider counters for Uranus and mars
this is a broad question actually … … . Time is and dasha periods also plays a major role in judging
రాహు దశ యోగిస్తున్నటు అర్థం చేసుకోవాలి
@Vinod sirgaru ante rahu Dasha starting bagaledu one year patu a tarvtha year bagunadhi … … ..progressions lo bad aspects em levu Kani ascendant tho manchi aspects unay … … ..ascendant tho aspects ni consider cheyacha sir … … … … tenth house ki manchi aspects ichinantha elevations ascendant ivagalada ?? Ascendant anadi miglina grahalu kante powerful a kadha sir pls chepandi
@Vinod thanks sir
Vinod garu pls explain this
Sir miru chesina Anni videos loni maximum videos lo ascendant ki jargima aspects ki ekuva importance ichinattu anpinchaledu sir starting lo cheparu but nakoka doubt sir !! Entante first consider cheyalsindi tenth house aspects ni Kani a tarvatha ascendant power ful aspects chudlasindi ascendant ki a or planets ki a ?? Please answer sir