DOB – 09/06/1994
TOB – 6:10 am
POB – Bangalore
Vrishabha Rashi & Vrishabha Lagnam
Rohini Nakshatram – 3rd paada
Please check if the conjunction is malefic or benefic.
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DOB – 09/06/1994
TOB – 6:10 am
POB – Bangalore
Vrishabha Rashi & Vrishabha Lagnam
Rohini Nakshatram – 3rd paada
Please check if the conjunction is malefic or benefic.
sir, kindly reply my questions by spending ur valuable time. i watched ur videos already. i think u are the right person. 1. RVA software or any software after considering all the exemptions , which u described in your Video 163 kuja dosha exemptions giving match kundali score or only per rule it is giving […]
i started calculating today itself sir, left with many doubts, Doubts— —— —— —— — – 1. for every 2 hours i observed transmissionof lagna, but grahalu mundu a nakshatram lo vundho, ah next lagnam lo kooda adhae nakshatram lo vundhe, 2. while calculating ah roju ae nakshatram vundho, chandrudu kooda adhae nakshatram lo vundhe, […]
My dob xxxxxxx Time xxxxxxx POB : xxxxxxx My nakshatra according to nemani panchang is uttarashada 1st pada….but acc to all computer based astrology sites say my nakshatra is poorvashada 4th pada…..which one should I follow ` Mod redacted personal information – keep the community guidelines in mind. `
Hello, Sir.. Edhiena Lagnam Lo more than 3 planets occupy cheste dhani results ela prabhavam chopisthayi ah person paina ? For example , Dhanur lagnam lo Ketu , venus and sun lower degrees to up pettenu Evvani Moola Nakshatram lo unnayi and Mercury distance lo purvashada Nakshatram lo untey dhani Guruvu 7th house Gemini lo […]
okay, makes sense. got another question regarding transits and functional malefics. today, 26th June 2017, mercury is few degree before mars. as per surya siddantha I think, mercury should become malefic planet. at the same time, mercury will square aspect Jupiter tomorrow. so, how do we see this combination? option a mercury becomes malefic and […]
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“885” “SridharNaidu” id=”2896″ number=”1″ “SridharNaidu @SridharNaidu#2896 We do not check anything for you, you have to do it yourself . once go through our FAQ