Kp significator Rules for getting new job while still at job:
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Kp significator Rules for getting new job while still at job:
i know a person who has, both sa & ma are the only significators of 5th and 7th. how to interpret this {exactly same significators for two cusps}?Ā because 5, 7 combination is for love marriage, is it possible that, as the first child significator and second child significator are same, could it also be […]
Dear Sir, nowadays after entering the birth details in RVA software, the chart is not getting generated properly. The degrees or the names of the planets are getting out of the borders of the south Indian horoscope chart. However, the chart gets printed correctly with the degrees and planets inside the borders. Kindly rectify the […]
hello vinod gaaru namasthe andi one doubt: 4th h ,9th h lo grahalu levu ,A grade,B grade, C grade significators leru, only D grade significator vundi, 11th h varake A,B,C,D significators vunteā¦ … .house buying kastam ani signal anukovachhaa, 11th h sub lord venus apudu result months lo vuntundhi ani kadhaa .please clarifie sir
I think you have not understood the difference between planetary Significators and house significators… Planets in the Star of the occupants will become A Grade Significators. That means Planets in the Star of Saturn will become A grade Significators.But you are saying Saturn’s star lord Rahu is an A grade significator. Which is absolutely wrong… […]
xxxx,xxxx , Hyderabad plotted this chart using rva software house column says ju in 4th significator table B coloumn says ju in 3rd same with other planets too Can you please explain? Thanks
Could you reply please
It would be
3 – Negation to 4th House of current location
5 – Change of current service , negation to 6th house
10 – Its about job.
You can check 10th cusp signifying 3,5,10, same the way 2,4,6 cusps,
The same you have to compare with DBA.
Thanks a lot for reply sir