Do you have any correspondence course in astrology?

Sir, Do you have any correspondence course in astrology? Or will you clarify the doubts if mentioned?! I find it very interesting.

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18-04-2020 12:21 pm

No, as of now we are not running any course.
You can learn online from our Youtube channels, if we start any course we will announce it via YouTube.

if you have any learning doubts you can start a new discussion here.

Refer to this playlist to view all videos in a sequence.

Birendra Mishra
Birendra Mishra(@birendramishra)
12-06-2024 3:20 pm

the links which you have given is not working like basic concept link i was clicked but it was not working just refreshing my current page kindly help me regarding this and i also want to use your excell software

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