Sir Greetings, Request may kindly tell about the percentage shown while analyzing compatibility viz. Mangalik percentage, astakoota percentage and match making percentage etc. Request, say about , how this calculated please.
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Sir Greetings, Request may kindly tell about the percentage shown while analyzing compatibility viz. Mangalik percentage, astakoota percentage and match making percentage etc. Request, say about , how this calculated please.
Sir greetings… Request confirm whether conjunction or square or opposition of Transit Planet with Natal Ascendant/10th House is to be considered while analyzing the chart… Humbly request to clarify my doubt please… Regards…. Shreehari
Good afternoon sir… Mee website Kundali Matching lo marriage matching lo final result percentage% , Telugu lo % oka rakamgani ,English lo % marorakamga chupisthundhi sir…. please sir ee rendu screenshots chusi yedhi ok cheyyalo cheppandi…..
Rva software లో match making percentage , అనేది ఏ విదంగా ఇస్తున్నారు,western లోనా లేకపోతే మరొకవిదంగాన sir ??????
Hi, While doing ashtakvarga calculations, it is found that the charts provided by software are incomplete. The Bhinnnashtak of Lagna ascendant are not shown. Similarly, in Sarvashtak charts, Lagna ascendant is not shown. Actually, 7 planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn & Venus & Lagna ascendant form theashtak But your calculators do not show […]
Kuja Dosham ante kujudu lagnam nundi 2,4,7,8,12 places lo undali kada..but na birth chart lo lagnam nundi 9th place lo unnadu..ante vrushabham lo unnadu…but in RVA mangalik calculator it s showing am mangalik 28 percent…why?
sir greetings,
kuja dosham is show in terms of % in match compatibility software of RVA… humbly request may kindly elaborate as to how this is calculated… I am very interested to know this… thank you sir… regards… Shreehari.
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