What is lagna Kendra adhipathi and Kona adhipathi?
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What is lagna Kendra adhipathi and Kona adhipathi?
Western astrology lo easyness kosam Kona stitulu antey 1,5,9 positions annaru 1,4,7,10 positions ni kendra stanalu annaru Okey house lo budha sukrulu undi 5 degrees kanna above untey vallu okarikokaru kendra stanalu anala kona stanalalo unnai anala conjunction anala ??
hello sir one doubt sani lo budha lo sukrudu nadusthundi .sani 1,12 adhipathi 4 lo vunnaadu ,ippudu a bhavaaniki adhipathi aa result and a sthanam lo vunnaado aa result, a nakshatram lo vunnado aa result isthada sir, apudu budhudu 3 lo vunnaadu, aayana inko bhavaaniki adhipathi, aa bhava result ,aa nakshatram result chala confuse gaa […]
Sri Gurubyo Namaha. I am following all your class on youtube and your narration is wonderful. I have few doubts for which i need some clarifications. They are as follows: 1, In the janma kundali we observe that certain house are blank and not filled with any planets. What is the meaning of this house […]
Hello namasthe vinod gaaru basic question vimsottari dasha results gurinchi For ex :sani dasha nadustundi 1 Sani ekkada vunnaado aa result isthunnada 2 A bhavaalaki adhipathi aa bhavala result isthunnada 3 A nakshatram lo vunnado aa graham a bhavam lo vunnado aa result isthunnada 4 A nakshtram lo vunnado aa graham a bhavaalaki adhipathi aa […]
Sir in Kanya lagan’s 4th house is occupied by a guru 27 degrees and Ketu 3 degrees as we know that the guru in Kendra along with sagitarus will be strong. As per degree, it is an old state mrit avastha so how we can calculate the results. will it give a 100% result because […]
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“1855” “BEHAPPY” id=”69812″ number=”1 @”BEHAPPY”#p69812
https://ask.rahasyavedicastrology.com/d/60-what-is-mean-by-konadipatya https://ask.rahasyavedicastrology.com/d/60-what-is-mean-by-konadipatya
“1855” “BEHAPPY” id=”69812″ number=”1 @”BEHAPPY”#p69812 1, 4, 7, 10 houses are called kendra houses, the house lords would be the kendra lords of that asendent.
for example, let us take the Taurus ascendant it is the natural second house in the zodiac sign.
Kendra houses 1, 4, 7, 10
Kona houses 1, 5, 9
in the same way, you can calculate for any aseendent.
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