Could you please tell me if sun at 14degrees mercury at 4 degrees venus at 1 degree whose lose the original energy sun or mercury or else venus.please help me by clarifying my dought. Thanking you.
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Could you please tell me if sun at 14degrees mercury at 4 degrees venus at 1 degree whose lose the original energy sun or mercury or else venus.please help me by clarifying my dought. Thanking you.
Sri Gurubyo Namaha. I am following all your class on youtube and your narration is wonderful. I have few doubts for which i need some clarifications. They are as follows: 1, In the janma kundali we observe that certain house are blank and not filled with any planets. What is the meaning of this house […]
Hi Vinod sir. I’m an avid viewer of your videos and I learnt astrology to some extent too. Sir when a planet is in a nakshatra how is that energy transformation should be interpreted?? For example Mars in Jyeshta nakshatra is it like Mars energy is taken by Mercury or mercury’s energised consumes by Mars […]
Namaskaram sir, Please verify my assumption.. If the girl and boy have their mars in same sign, say conjunction in the same sign , mars energy flows will benefit each other and rule out Dosha. Also if mars is trine to each other will the energy flow be mutual? I do know that mars aspects […]
oka jathakamlo western aspects thanu manchi logical, calculative, explanation skills, idialogical capabilities vunnatluga form ayyayi. but thanu lekkalu sariga ardham chesukoledu. vaddi lekka kuda properga cheppalekapothunnadu, ”dheeniki kaaranam ento teliyadam ledhu western aspects ila vunnai sun, mercury conjunction 8th house mars, moon conjunction 12th venus, saturn conjunction 7th uranus, neptune conjunction in 6th but fifth […]
okay, makes sense. got another question regarding transits and functional malefics. today, 26th June 2017, mercury is few degree before mars. as per surya siddantha I think, mercury should become malefic planet. at the same time, mercury will square aspect Jupiter tomorrow. so, how do we see this combination? option a mercury becomes malefic and […]
“1890” “ChandraMowliT” id=”74951″ number=”1 @”ChandraMowliT”#p74951 Sun is already ahead of mercury that is the reason in this case there is no combustion to the mercury.
“Astham gatham”,”Sun mercury combustion”
1,23 , 1,15,23