Is retrograde planet strong r weak
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Is retrograde planet strong r weak
Hello everyone, We all have a deep appreciation for our RVA and its extensive astrology video library. One aspect of this library is the wide range of topics covered. However, we face a significant challenge in organizing the content effectively so that users can easily find what they are looking for. Currently, all the topics […]
Sir, A planet is in the nicha place in rasi chart and also in the navamsa chart. Does the planet strong? Or very weak.? Please explain.. Vargottam
Hello Vinod garu, I have question regarding, In Birth chart retrograde planet in ketu/rahu star and ketu/rahu acts as agent retrograde planet. Example: satrun retrograde in moola and ketu place in kumba rasi. 1. In above case is retrograde work for Saturn? How will ketu influence the retrograde effect of Saturn. Thanks, Vijay
In D-1 chart , planet is in enemy house shadbalas also weak , but in D-9 exhalted after marriage we can assure him that , planet karakatvas will improve in his daily life like land, business ..etc., ??
For Gemini Ascendant Retrograde Jupiter in 10th house in Purva Bhadrapad – 4. His aspects in 2nd house and 6th house. In 2nd house Mars in pushyami ,Mercury and Venus in ashlesha star. And 6th house it’s moon in jyesta-2. My doubt is How Retrograde Jupiter results behave. Due to these aspects of Jupiter all […]
it depends on the ascendant, if ascendant functional malefics are being retrograde it will give good results, but negative results in that bhava matters
if ascendant functional benefics are being retrograde it will give bad results and also results negative in bhava & yoga matters too
in ep36 i have tried to explain the same
for example, take leo ascendant if mars and Saturn are being retrograde in this case mars is functional benefic to the ascendant. some times related to 4th and 9th house far from mother, away from motherland, litigation in the purchase of lad, breaks in education, less support from the father..etc may come negative and also dasha may not work.
Saturn retrogression is functional malefic so it will give extremely good results related to 7th house , but 6th & 7th bhava will get failed. but Saturn works like exalted Saturn
7th house yoga good results: extremely good fame in society, good management skills. dasha will work positively
6th & 7th house bhava negative results: failure in marriage, health problems..etc
you need to observe carefully about consideration and cancellation of retrogression when rahu and ketu are connected and also retrograde planets need to come to direct motion within the 30 days from the date of birth.