I am Capricorn ascedent with retrograde saturn in 11th house scorpion…how does it effect in my life
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I am Capricorn ascedent with retrograde saturn in 11th house scorpion…how does it effect in my life
Hello Vinod garu, I have question regarding, In Birth chart retrograde planet in ketu/rahu star and ketu/rahu acts as agent retrograde planet. Example: satrun retrograde in moola and ketu place in kumba rasi. 1. In above case is retrograde work for Saturn? How will ketu influence the retrograde effect of Saturn. Thanks, Vijay
Saturn retrograde as Darakaraka in 5th house aspected by Jupiter retrograde from first house scorpio lagna and mars at 11th house and 7th lord is in 9th house combust with sun and mercury and there’s dharmakarma adhipathi yoga happening where moon is in 10th house. And the venus is debilitated in 11th house navamsa what […]
If a planet is retrograde in a Star, does the star lord get the retrograde effect?
Mithuna Lagna , Mercury is placed in 2nd house in Ashlesha star 2nd padam.with debliated Mars in 2 nd house in pushyami star.And with Venus is in Ashlesha star. 2 nd house lord moon is in 6 th house scorpion in jyesta-2 star. Effect Parivarthana yoga between Mars and Moon will give good results ? […]
Hello Sir, I came across a chart , three major planets are retrograde and have opposition aspects in the chart Capricorn lagna: Mars ,Saturn conjunction and both are retrograde in 10th house and have an opposition aspect to Sun, Venus, Mercury 4th house and square with moon in 7th house. Jupiter retrograde in 12th house. […]
The 11th house is exceptional. if star lord is also in 2,10,11 then 95% of it will be good, and it won’t spoil anything.