I watched ur old videos were you interviewed Prasad sir, in one of the videos he mentioned that he wrote books on KP astrology, can you please provide us the book names and when can I buy it in Hyderabad.
Thank you
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I watched ur old videos were you interviewed Prasad sir, in one of the videos he mentioned that he wrote books on KP astrology, can you please provide us the book names and when can I buy it in Hyderabad.
Thank you
sir, kindly reply my questions by spending ur valuable time. i watched ur videos already. i think u are the right person. 1. RVA software or any software after considering all the exemptions , which u described in your Video 163 kuja dosha exemptions giving match kundali score or only per rule it is giving […]
good evening sir, I want to know how to i get kp astrology books in telugu or kp astrology telugu pdf please let me know sir how i get the books because i am learning it thats why i want to need books please help me for this one sir Thank You
Sir I am serching for saravali book but in online shows diffrent pages are mentioned in Flipkart and Amazon pdf online shows 700pages which one is wright book
Zodiac Signs Names in Telugu ? Astrology all Telugu Rasi Names ?
Hello sir, I want to practice the principles of vedic/kp/western astrology on as many as 500 horoscopes. The problem is everyone in my family is opposed to astrology and wouldn’t give any details of their lives for analyzing. Do you know any website/book/blogs/apps where birth chart along with important life events are given? Presently I’m […]
did I ask any wrong question as it is not getting approved
visit any astrology book store or take goole help
Can you please suggest astrology store location in Hyderabad
Someone asked a similar question to this so I thought of adding a proper answer here.
You can get any astrological book from below mentioned book stores and also from Amazon or Flipkart, We are not affiliated with anyone. These are the only stores we know.
Tagore Publishing House Hyderabad
Golla Pudi Veeraswamy Sons