1 . what r those planets ruled by jupiter and sani ?
2 . once u said ketu is benific for aries lagna ..and rahu works well in jupiter ruled lagnas… …
so aries is jurupalita lagnam so is it ketu and rahu both r benific for aries asendent ?
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1 . what r those planets ruled by jupiter and sani ?
2 . once u said ketu is benific for aries lagna ..and rahu works well in jupiter ruled lagnas… …
so aries is jurupalita lagnam so is it ketu and rahu both r benific for aries asendent ?
Asking question here again because comment in another thread hasn’t been approved yet. Other users on this forum can maybe answer also. Vinod sir said in the first 2 episodes of love horoscopes matching that signs ruled by Mars Aries and scorpio , Sun Leo and Capricorn reason not provided – but I’m assuming because […]
Hai vinod garu you are giving the best knowledge to every one, can you pls tell me the reason for why the badhaka adipati gives good results only if he is positite in 6,10 for chara lagnas. 2,6,10 for stira lagnas. 2,6,11 for dwiswabhava lagnas. Can you please tell me the reason for that.
Namaskaram sir… I Am Virgo ascendant …..In 10th house .. 12th lord sun in rahu nakstra..rahu in mars nakhestra ..mars in rahu nakhestra. And mercury in rahu nakhestra.. All sun. mars. mercury. rahu conjunction in 10th house for Virgo ascendant Rahu as lowest degrees .. In cuspal chart ..all four planets are in 9th house […]
Sir, This question is against the video“ ” Badhaka Planets in Astrology | Ep44 ” ” . When Badhakadhi pati is placed in Rahu or ketu nakshattra, how do we know it gives good results or bad results? Should we check whether rahu or ketu in 6th or 10th lord nakshattra in case of chara […]
Once in a video u explained that if there is saturn and moon conjunction and if it has sun connection then the dosha will be nullified. If saturn and moon are conjunct in sun star uttarashada for virgo ascendent will there be cancellation of dosha. Sun in 8th house in aries in ketu star and […]