Hello Sir. Recently, I saw your video on Venus (Shukrudu) Planet and its characteristics in each house on Youtube. I noticed that you skipped the 11th house. Could you please explain the possible pros and cons if Venus is placed in the 11th house?
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Hello Sir. Recently, I saw your video on Venus (Shukrudu) Planet and its characteristics in each house on Youtube. I noticed that you skipped the 11th house. Could you please explain the possible pros and cons if Venus is placed in the 11th house?
Please explain why venus won ’ ‘ t work in 11th house? In mythology, there is a say that venus told to ravan that he won ’ ‘ t work good in 11th, but ravan restricted him to be in 11th, for me simha lagna, venus in 11th, and I didn ’ ‘ t find […]
Recently I saw a horoscope… … in Lahari ayanamsa it is uttarashada nakshatra-4 , nakshatra is in 28 degree..in leo ascendant sun,jup,ven, mercury placed. If we changed to kp ayanamsa nakshatra changed to shravana-1 ,but above 4 planets moved to 12th place, now what should we considered as nakshatra and planet placements .. according to […]
Hello everyone, We all have a deep appreciation for our RVA and its extensive astrology video library. One aspect of this library is the wide range of topics covered. However, we face a significant challenge in organizing the content effectively so that users can easily find what they are looking for. Currently, all the topics […]
My zodiac sign is cancer with moon placed in lagna , since 11th lord from chara rashi is Badhaka.. Venus Taurus in my case and Venus is situated in 4th house along with Rahu.. My doubt :-If Badhaka planet is in its own house does it have significant negative impact??
Sir in some videos u calculate in subbu method by calculating 2 levels of star lord and then placement of 2 nd lord. But in divorce videos if 7th lord is in 6th lord nakshatra y r we considering that directly? For example for kumbh lagna If that 7th lord is in moon star and […]
11th house lo ye planet unna yogistundhi..okka sukrudu tappa…it’s a basic rule…but sukrudu unna nakshatradipathi ekkada unnadu anedhi kuda parisilesthe result purthiga telustundhi