When there are three to four planets in a house than the planets are overlapping in the print sheet

Namaskar, Facing few problems while genrating chart through the software, when there are three to four planets in a house than the planets are overlapping in the print sheet.
Could you please help me out?

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27-11-2023 2:05 pm

Hello, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We acknowledge the reported issue, and it has been addressed in RVA 2.0. As we are just a few weeks away from the release, updates will not be applied to the current version. Additionally, we are excited to announce the upcoming release of an Excel-based astrology software/course that will allow you to generate birth charts locally. Please anticipate the availability of both the updated version and the astrology course in the next few weeks. In the meantime, capturing a screenshot using the Snipping Tool and printing it would be an ideal temporary solution.

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