Which software is used by the RVA astrologer?

What is the primary astrology software that Vinod, the astrologer, relies on the most, and what specific features or advantages does he find in this software that make it his preferred choice?

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02-10-2023 1:25 am

I use RVA Software as my daily driver.

RVA Software

The journey to RVA Software began when my late father purchased Prophet, which I used while I was still learning astrology. As I delved deeper into different astrology systems and methods, I acquired KPAstro by Man Machine Systems, which cost me around 10,000 rupees. I later upgraded it, but it required me to use the Lisp programming language to generate customized planetary data, making it somewhat challenging to use.
To simplify my work, we decided to develop our own software. Six years ago, we made RVA Software open to everyone, ensuring that every astrologer could benefit from it. Nowadays, whenever I learn something new and need to generate different charts, I transform my thoughts into logic and create an Excel prototype. Based on this, we continually add new features to RVA Software. RVA 2.0 is on the horizon and promises to be a game-changer, introducing many advanced tools for astrologers.

I’m not recommending the purchase of any software; I’m simply sharing my experiences. In my opinion, RVA Software is sufficient, and it’s available for free. There’s no need for any additional software.

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